You can check your riding skill level every curve. There are 5 things that make a rider perform well in a curve.
1. Adjust entry speed so you and apply at least maintenance throttle through the curve.
2. Position the Motorcycle to the outside of the curve to widen the arc of the curve to maximize safety, vision and speed.
3. Choose a line that will widen the arc with an outside, inside, outside path of travel.
4. Look all the way through the curve as far as you can see, or to the exit of the curve.
5. Proper steering input for an effective counter steer.

If you fail to do one or more of these things it will delay your throttle application point in the curve. The latest point you should apply the throttle is halfway through the curve. Applying the throttle stabilizes the suspension of the motorcycle and prevents weight transfer front to back while leaned over. To check your skill, note the point when you applied the throttle. If it is after the halfway point try to figure out which of the 5 steps you diss not complete successfully.