Barclay a certified Advanced Instructor for Total Control Training, inc. Teaching mainly in Pennsylvania where motorcycle training is paid for by motorcycle registrations, permits and licensing and provides Beginner (BRC), Intermediate (IRC), and Advanced (ARC) and 3 Wheel Rider Clinics (3WRC) at no charge to PA residents. If you are a PA resident you can register for a class here.
Enough about PA, I've been riding motorcycles or mopeds since I was about 6 years old. As a child I lived in a wooded area, my friends had 50cc dirt bikes, which I wanted so bad. My parents decided that was not a good idea and I ended up with a full size moped, I quickly figured out, it ran pretty well in the wooded trails. When I grew up I moved into street bikes and took a BRC in Maryland in 1995 when it only cost $55. If you live in MD, you are probably 🤬 (it cost a lot more now days). For many years I thought I knew it all, and did not take any other riding classes. In the beginning of 2019 I moved to PA and started taking classes, I quickly figured out, I had 1 year of riding experience repeated 40 times, NOT 40 years of riding experience, like I thought.
Too often when riding motorcycles, we do not want to get out of our comfort zone. This is a problem and can cause crashes because, if we never ride outside our comfort zone, how will we react when we are forced outside our comfort zone by an unexpected hazard? For that reason additional motorcycle training is important, when I say this, I don't mean watching videos, and listening to podcast. I not only tell you what to do on the bike but, why you need to do it and the physical forces acting on the bike. I believe you need to have a full understanding of why a motorcycle acts the way it does. When you understand the forces, you are more likely to practice and build those skills you have learned. It is not good enough to say, "push on the right grip to turn right", unfortunately most of the time the people saying that, don't actually know why when you push on the right grip the motorcycle turns right other than to just say, "it is how counter steering works".
I hope you find the information I provide engaging and educational, more importantly, it inspires you to go find a motorcycle class. Any motorcycle training you take will reduce your chances of a fatal crash by up to 61%.

Special Thanks
Social thanks to Battlefield Motorcycles in historic Gettysburg, PA for allowing us to film our videos on their property! If you are in the area please check them out.